Today is Easter Sunday and this morning I had a wee, got naked, and weighed myself. Even though on the 12WBT we are supposed to weigh ourselves only once a week, I did it because I had been crunching some numbers and knew I would be close to the 1/3 mark. And today I hit it. I have lost 19.5 kilos since I started eating healthily and exercising last September. That is 19.5 kilos that don't have residence on my body anymore! That is also one third of what I am supposed to lose if I am to get to my recommended weight. I am not sure if that is the final weight I really should be but at this stage I am not worrying about that. For the first time I am relying on my body to tell me what is my best athletic weight.

This adventure (I can't stand the word 'journey') started slowly on 17 September 2012, just over 6 months ago, with me starting to exercise. The only dietary concession I made was to cut out sugar and much of the junk food on which I had been existing. This meant not touching chocolate (one of the great loves of my life), chips, biscuits, cakes and ice cream - pretty much anything that can be classified as 'dessert' or snack foods. It has been relatively painless. Somehow I seem to have switched off the chocolate-obsessive button in my head. I am not sure how but even with Easter it hasn't really tempted me to try chocolate. The hardest thing has been getting it into my head that it is a lifestyle, not a short-term diet. My focus has always been on getting fit, though, not on losing weight.

Today I went for a lovely swim. I only did 1 and a half kilometres. (Notice how I said 'only'. Still that negative talk slips in.) So to rephrase, today I swan 1 and a half kilometres. I did it on a Sunday and without any chocolate (including any Easter eggs, bunnies or bilbies) or any other food reward afterwards. I must admit though that the thought of a big piece (or three) of KFC entered my head on the way home. I even changed lane to go home via the KFC drive-through. But I quickly moved the car into the other lane that would take me straight home. And instead of thinking I was depriving myself by not succumbing to the craving, however strong it was, I thought about my 8-week 12WBT fitness trial that I will do this week and how much better I will perform without that gunk in my body. Thanks Mish - my body and my head are much happier.
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