When my friend Peter left Canberra I knew I needed to get help to keep me on track so I signed up for Round 1 of the 12WBT. I finish it this week, around 10 kilos lighter than when I started on it and a lot fitter. My core is so much stronger too which can only help with my back pain. I can now do planks and push-ups (both on my toes) as well as sit-ups, with relative ease.

There were no surprises except that this one came complete with two pictures of me that were pretty challenging. And it does make me wish that I had done this right at the start so I would be able to compare them and see the improvement. Because even though I know I am fitter and tauter than I was, I still see a big fat lump. And that is precisely why I am now looking at the science and the facts - because I need to take the emotion right out of it!
Above: The DEXA Scans of me taken 28 April 2013
Today's scan shows that I have good muscle mass and good strong bones. I need 1,925 calories a day to keep me going. I am 41% fat and carrying too much of it in my trunk. I need to lose between 25.1 and 28.8 kilos to get to a healthy weight.

My total body composition scan results summary is:
- Total body bone mineral density: 1.230 g.cm-2 (normal).
- Total percent body fat: 41.0 % (recommended limits1 23% – 34%)
- Central abdominal fat (sub-region R1): 1.927 kg – High risk
- Resting Metabolic Rate: 1925 kcal/day
- In reviewing your current body composition your ideal weight is between 81.0 kg to 84.7 kg
- To achieve this you need to lose 25.1 kg to 28.8kg of fat
- Suggested calorie intake to attain ideal weight based on RMR
- Minimum Structured Exercise Energy Expenditure Target 1800 Kcal/week.
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