
Saturday, 23 February 2013

Week 2 - what a bla

It is Sunday, 24 February 2013, and I am nearly at the end of Week 2 of the 12WBT. And what a 'bla' week it was. Tied, cranky and hungry but worst of all, I don't feel like I have had any good sleep.

Last night was a write-off. I have arthritis in my neck, back and leg and when it is about to rain it gives me grief. So why don't I use my brain and use some anti-inflammatories to make things a little bit more bearable?
Who knows, it is probably like having your period take you by surprise each month. How many decades do we women have them for and yet, each month, it is the same response (well, from me at least) - "Oh, that is why I am feeling crappy". I can't use That Time Of The Month (TTOTM) anymore but I am still doing the same old, same old things with my pain management.

I will digress for a moment and just mention that when I first saw the acronym TTOTM on the 12WBT Capital Challenge Facebook page (it's for Canberra people doing the 12WBT) I was flummoxed. I ended up having to parade my ignorance and put up a post asking what it meant. And when I got told other members of the page also admitted they had also been wondering what it meant!That's what I love about getting older. It frees you of the fear of not asking something because you are too embarrassed. Anyway, back to my original topic - feeling bla this past week.

On the 12WBT we are being taught not to lose sight of our goals and to revisit them. And to remember what our 'commitment' was - or rather, what the commitment we made IS. So that is what I am going to do. And I am going to stop beating myself up that I didn't do all the exercise I had planned this week. But I am also acknowledging that although I didn't do all I had planned, I did do more than I would have done in the past (one BodyPump class, one Gym Circuit class, one Masters swim squad and one other swim) and I gave 100% to each activity).

So, my lesson from Week 2 is to learn from the experience but not dwell on the past, which I cannot change.

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