Week 2 was a tough week. I was taken aback by how challenging it was and turned out to be and how unequipped I was to deal with it. I was low-vibe pretty much all week. Tired, crumpy (that's a mix of crabby and grumpy), fed-up - you name it, I felt it.

It was only on Sunday when I was trying to re-group that I realised that what I had been feeling should not have come as a surprise. I had thrown myself into the 12WBT 110% and nearly burnt myself out. Not surprising given that is pretty much what I do with everything.
What's my favourite saying again? The one about the definition of insanity being about doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. Ta da! Did it again. There's a certain irony in that. So, I had exercised like a maniac, ate fresh and tasty but not enough, didn't drink enough water and didn't get enough sleep. You don't have to be Einstein (another of my favourite sayings) to know that I was charging head-first on collision course with fatigue.

Anyway, I have lost 2.5kgs this week, making it a total of 6 kilos on the 12WBT (7 kilos if you count the 1kg I lost in the 12WBT Pre-season, and 16.5kgs all up since I started swimming on 17 September last year). I will do my proper Wednesday weigh-in tomorrow. Even though my primary aim from this program is to get fitter and manage stress, it is great to know that there has been some loss too. It is now 'odds on' that it may actually be fat not water that I have lost.